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My Journey as a Maker

About My Showcase

Hi there! My name is Gwen Udy and I'm a math teacher at the Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders in Austin, TX. I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in May 2021 with a degree in Mathematics and a teaching certificate through UTeach Natural Sciences. 


I didn't always know or believe that I was a Maker, but joining UTeach Maker helped me find what I'm passionate about - helping students discover the world and feel empowered to contribute to it through creating. This website serves as a showcase of my diverse experiences in Maker Education and a reflection of what I hope to bring into the classroom.

Home: Welcome

Maker Showcase

What Making means to me and the importance it holds

Personal projects and artifacts made during my time in UTeach Maker

My experiences with Making in the learning environment

The community of Makers and how we interact with one another for a common goal

Home: List

My Philosophy on Making

"Am I fully confident now? No. But because I know now how to take risks, ask questions, and try again when I fail, I'm confident in my ability to overcome obstacles, and that is one of the greatest gifts of Making."

Home: Quote
Home: Work
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