My Journey as a Maker
About My Showcase
Hi there! My name is Gwen Udy and I'm a math teacher at the Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders in Austin, TX. I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in May 2021 with a degree in Mathematics and a teaching certificate through UTeach Natural Sciences.
I didn't always know or believe that I was a Maker, but joining UTeach Maker helped me find what I'm passionate about - helping students discover the world and feel empowered to contribute to it through creating. This website serves as a showcase of my diverse experiences in Maker Education and a reflection of what I hope to bring into the classroom.
Maker Showcase
My Philosophy on Making
"Am I fully confident now? No. But because I know now how to take risks, ask questions, and try again when I fail, I'm confident in my ability to overcome obstacles, and that is one of the greatest gifts of Making."